About Fermentation

There are many kinds of fermentation but the kind of fermentation used for Zoe’s Ferments is called lactic acid fermentation or lacto fermentation. This kind of fermentation is anaerobic, meaning without air. Vegetables are salted to draw out the natural liquid which creates a brine. The vegetables are then packed into a vessel and weighted down so the brine is covering them and the vegetables are not exposed to air. They are left at room temperature to ferment.

This kind of fermentation is about creating the perfect environment for lactobacillus and other beneficial bacterias to thrive. These bacteria, naturally existing on the surface of the vegetables, eat the sugars or carbohydrates in the vegetables and convert them into lactic acid. This is what gives ferments their tang. A by-product of this process is carbon dioxide which is why ferments at room temperature will bubble and froth, especially in the first few days of fermentation. It is important that lacto ferments are either “burped” if left at room temperature (jar opened to release pressure of carbon dioxide) or kept refridgerated.

How long do lacto ferments keep?

A long time! Refrigeration slows the fermentation process way down and helps to hold the product at the desired texture and taste. Even in the fridge our products will ferment slowly. After a long time (imagine a year or two lost in the back of the fridge) the flavor and texture may have changed, but it will likely still be safe to eat! Your best judge is your senses. Everyone’s tastes are different and a ferment that one person deems too old and “funky” to eat might be too “young” tasting for someone else. We have customers who tell us that when they buy a jar of our product they leave it in the fridge for a year before touching it.

Our ferments keep best when they are kept submerged under the brine. If you have a big jar and are going through it slowly, it is best to transfer it to a smaller jar as you go to limit the exposure to air. Use a fork and push the vegetables down under the brine to keep them their freshest.

Kraut in unsealed jars
Yellow jars

Health Benefits

The nature of lacto fermented foods is that they are very much alive! These ferments are full of beneficial bacteria which is what makes them probiotic and good for our digestion. Probiotics (pro – good, bio – life) are beneficial bacterias and yeasts that we need to maintain a healthy gut. A healthy digestive system is already full of these bacterias but they need to be maintained.

Lacto fermentation makes vegetables easier to digest and nutrients more bioavailable. Fermentation can be referred to as a process of pre-digestion. The bacteria break down the vegetables so when we eat them there is less work for our digestive systems to do.

We aim to use vegetables grown without the use of pesticides but the process of fermentation can transform and degrade pesticide residues. This is the power of fermentation!

The health benefits of lacto fermented foods are no joke. If they are not a regular part of your diet, you may want to introduce them slowly, consuming only a tablespoon or so a day to get your digestive system accustomed.


Zoë’s Ferments was founded on our connection to local food producers. We are committed to sourcing local and pesticide-free produce whenever possible. Here are just a few of the businesses that supply the raw ingredients that go into our products.

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